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What is grants.at?

grants.at is Austria’s biggest database for scholarships and research grants for all academic areas. Financial support options for students, graduates and researchers range from classical grants and scholarships, allowances and prizes to extensive national, European and international research support programmes.

In more than 1,200 entries grants.at offers information about

  • Financial support measures for studying or research for outgoings (Austrians who want to study or pursue research in other countries) and incomings (people who want to come to Austria) and
  • purely national funding options.

The scope of providers of funding ranges from international organisations, the European Union, national governments in Austria and abroad (ministries and administrative organisations) and their provincial governments or municipalities to private foundations, associations and companies.

Systematic search

grants.at quickly yields all information about application requirements, duration, quota and amount of funding provided. You can search systematically for:

  • Name
  • Type of grant
  • Country of origin
  • Target country
  • Target group
  • Specific grants for women
  • Subject area

If you have found a suitable grant please apply directly to the authority where applications are to be submitted and which is mentioned in the grant details. If you have any questions about a specific grant/scholarship/funding measure, please enquire directly at the authority awarding the grant.

Always up to date

grants.at informs you about more than 1,200 grants, scholarships, research grants, prizes and financial support options of the higher education institutions. And they are becoming more and more. This and up-to-date information is the OeAD’s accomplishment. Quite a few funding organisations also update their entries themselves.

We will be pleased to help you if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the database.  We are also grateful for comments concerning errors, incomplete information or information that is no longer up to date. We will correct any mistakes and errors as quickly as possible.

Do you want to advertise your grant/s at grants.at?

If you want to list a grant/scholarship/financial support measure of your institution free of charge at grants.at, send us an e-mail. You may send us your current calls for application. We will then enter them for you.

You would like to update your data yourself?

If you want to enter and update the grants/scholarships/financial support measures of your institution yourself, please contact to register as a user. You will then receive your authorisation and the guidelines for data entry.

Are you already registered as a user?

Via the online entry mask you can update your data or create new entries. Please enter your user name and your password. If you do not remember your login details you can request new ones.

grants.at on your website

Do you want to integrate grants.at into the website of your higher education institution or research institution? We will be pleased to assist you with this.

Following the trend

The international and national accesses to our database are increasing continuously. This demonstrates that grants.at contributes in an important way to supporting academic mobility.

Who is behind grants.at?

grants.at is an initiative of

  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
  • OeAD-GmbH — Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation

and has been expanded with financial support of the EU in the framework of  EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion.

Contact details:

OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and

Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

For further information regarding studying in Austria, please visit Study in Austria.

If you have any questions regarding entry and residenceplease read this information.

For further questions regarding grants and scholarships: Contact us

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