Search tips
Search by name
relates only to names/titles of grants in the database – it is NOT a full-text search! NO combinations (e.g. word1 and/or word2) are possible, the search is not case-sensitive!
Tips & Tricks
- Only enter parts of the name or parts of words – be careful about singular/plural
- Try different ways of spelling and different words
- A search for grant-awarding authorities is useless in most cases as they are often not included in the name of the grant.
- If a specific field of study is not listed in the drop-down list, it is sometimes useful to search for part of the name of the – often interdisciplinary – special field, e.g. energy, nano, environment, tourism or climate.
- If you are looking for the “Paul-Urban-Foundation….” just search for “urban” since by searching for “paul urban” (without hyphen!) the entry will not be found.
- Typing in “fin” will yield both “…Finland…” and “…Finnish…”.
- Use different words – e.g. ‘communic’ and ‘journal’ for Communication Studies/Journalism.
Country of origin / Target country
Country of origin can mean your nationality – but also your place of residence or study.
If you are studying in Austria, select once your nationality and in a second search your place of residence "Austria".
Type of grants
Grants for whole degree programmes in the target country:
Grants/scholarships for students who are going to complete an entire study programme (degree programme) in the target country (“study scholarships/grants”); these may cover the entire study period or only parts of it (semesters, individual years)
Semester and/or one-year grants:
“Study abroad scholarships/grants”; grants/scholarships for study mobility – one semester or year (for credit programmes – e. g. Erasmus+ Grants for study mobility or CEEPUS )
Grants for summer courses: Grants for study visits in the summer, Summer Schools, Sommerkollegs, etc.
Practical trainings: Funding for practical training / internships / work placements
Subsidies, Allowances:
Support for events, publications, printing costs, travel expenses, writing of a final paper (bachelor’s, master’s, or traditional degree (“Diplom”) thesis or dissertation), childcare, acquisition and improvement of foreign language skills. Subsidies for printing costs and final papers are sometimes granted in the form of prizes.
Subsidies/allowances do not cover the full living costs!
Awards, prizes: Awards/prizes for persons and institutions
Research grants: Grants for personal research activities; fellowships; working scholarships (in the arts)
Research allowances: Support for project-related research and development (R&D) activities
Target groups
Undergraduates: Students in a bachelor's programme
Graduates: Students in a master's or diploma programme
Postgraduates: Persons having completed a master's or diploma programme
PhD students: Students participating in a PhD or doctoral programme
PhD holders, Postdocs: Researchers after PhD programmes
Researchers: Researchers regardless of PhD programmes
Companies / Scientific institutions: Support for companies or scientific institutions (only institutional support)
If you select a superordinate term it will also include all subordinate ones.
The following areas are available for selection:
1 Natural Sciences
101 Mathematic
102 Computer Sciences
103 Physics, Astronomy
104 Chemistry
105 Geosciences
106 Biology
107 Other and Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
2 Technical Sciences
201 Construction Engineering (incl. Architecture, Transportation)
202 Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Engineering
203 Mechanical Engineering
204 Chemical Process Engineering
205 Materials Engineering
206 Medical Engineering
207 Environmental Engineering, Applied Geosciences (incl. Mining)
208 Environmental Biotechnology
209 Industrial Biotechnology
210 Nanotechnology
211 Other and Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences (incl. Metallurgy)
3 Human Medicine, Health Sciences
301 Medical-Theoretical Sciences, Pharmacy
302 Clinical Medicine
303 Health Sciences (incl. Nutritional Sciences, Hygiene)
304 Medical Biotechnology
305 Other and Interdisciplinary Human Medicine, Health Sciences
4 Agricultural Sciences
401 Agriculture and Forestry, Fishery
402 Animal Breeding, Animal Production
403 Veterinary Medicine
404 Agricultural Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology
405 Other and Interdisciplinary Agricultural Sciences
5 Social Sciences
501 Psychology
502 Economics
503 Educational Sciences
504 Sociology
505 Law
506 Political Science
507 Human Geography, Regional Geography, Regional Planning
508 Media and Communication Sciences
509 Other and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
6 Humanities
601 History, Archaeology
602 Linguistics and Literature
603 Philosophy, Ethics, Religion
604 Arts (incl. Art History)
605 Other and Interdisciplinary Humanities
7 Arts
The struture of the areas is based on the Austrian Systematic of Science Branches © Statistik Austria.
Further databases and sources for funding
For Austria (in German only)
Der Förderkompass – ein Service des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT):
Overview of Austrian research and business development programmes:
Förderdatenbank der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)
Datenbank zur Weiterbildungsförderung (Grants for futher education):
Funding database for fine arts, performing arts, film and video, literature and music in Austria:
National databases of other countries
New Zealand:
DAAD – Scholarship Database
Stipendienlotse – Die Stipendiendatenbank des BMBF (in German only)
The Netherlands:
United Kingdom: Study UK: Discover You
Europe-wide and regional
Euraxess Jobs: a job database with updated job vacancies and fellowships for researchers and PhD students throughout
Europe European funding database:
Database of EU calls:
CulturEU Funding Guide - EU Funding Opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors 2021-2027:
Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search:
Selected government-funded grants for Austria
Please note that there are hardly any scholarships for obtaining a whole degree programme here in Austria. Please read the calls carefully, as restrictions may apply!
The Ernst Mach Grant worldwide is intended for young researchers and university lecturers of all disciplines who are studying or pursuing research outside Austria.
Target group: postgraduates, PhD students, postdocs
Countries of origin: all
Duration: 1 to 9 months
Closing date for applications: February 1st
Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant (non-European developing countries)
The Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant (EZA) is a programme for former scholarship holders from non-European developing countries. Eligible for application are postdocs who are pursuing research or are teaching at a higher education institution in a developing country and already received a scholarship administered by the OeAD. At the beginning of the grant period, at least 3 years must have passed since the last funded research visit to Austria.
Target group: postdocs
Countries of origin: non-European developing countries
Duration: 1 to 3 months
Closing date for applications: February 1st
Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule)
The Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) is intended for international students who want to spend a study period at an Austrian university of applied sciences. The purpose of the programme is to promote the internationalisation of the university of applied sciences sector in Austria.
Target group: undergraduates, graduates
Countries of origin: non-European countries
Duration: 4 to 10 months
Closing date for applications: February 1st
In the Studyfinder database you will find an overview of what Austrian higher education institutions offer; please filter for “University of Applied Sciences”.
Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam)
The Ernst Mach Grant ASEA-UNINET within the framework of the ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) enables students and researchers stays in Austria. The target group are PhD students, postdocs and lecturers at member institutions of the ASEA-UNINET.
Target group: undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, postdocs
Countries of origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines
Duration: undergraduates, graduates 9 months | postdocs: 3 to 9 months | postgraduates: max. 36 months (for a whole degree programme in Austria)
Closing date for applications: March 1st
Franz Werfel Fellowship for young university teachers of German language and Austrian literature
The Franz Werfel Grant is intended for young university lecturers of German language and literature studies with a special focus on Austrian literature. The duration of the scholarship is four to nine months; an extension to up to 18 months is possible. Persons who consumed at least 12 scholarship months can apply for the follow-up support programme.
Target group: PhD students, postdocs, researchers
Countries of origin: all
Duration: 4 to 9 months
Closing date for applications: March 1st, September 15th
CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies)
CEEPUS is a multilateral exchange programme with Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Students and lecturers can apply for a financially supported stay abroad in one of the 16 CEEPUS member countries. Both short stays (excursions lasting at least three days) and longer stays (up to ten months) can be supported.
Please note that students can only study at a partner university abroad via a CEEPUS network in which the relevant higher education institution takes part. You can find the networks in which Austrian higher education institutions take part on the CEEPUS website. Outside the networks freemover stays at a freely chosen university in one of the CEEPUS countries are possible in some cases (the university, however, must be eligible to take part in CEEPUS).
Target group: undergraduates, graduates, researchers
Countries of origin: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
Duration: 1 to 10 months
Closing date for applications: June 15th (for the whole academic year and for the winter term) | October 31st (for the summer term) | November 30th (for freemovers)
The Richard Plaschka Fellowship is aimed at researchers in the historical sciences who are primarily occupied with Austrian history. Plaschka fellows can work as visiting researchers at institutes and carry out special studies in libraries, archives or at research institutions.
Target group: PhD students, post docs, researchers
Country of origin: All except Austria
Target country: Austria
Duration: four to twelve months, an extension to 18 months is possible. After a scholarship period of twelve months, there is the possibility to apply for the follow-up support programme
Closing date for applications: March 1st
University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships
The University of Klagenfurt in collaboration with the OeAD offers a scholarship for English-speaking Master's programmes in the field of ICT. The scholarship provides not only monthly financial support and travel costs for the first year of the Master's studies but also assistance in finding a paid internship in the ICT sector. It is the product of the cooperation between Carinthia’s Chamber of Commerce (WKO Kärnten) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV Kärnten).
Target group: undergraduates, graduates
Countries of Origin: Eligible for application are Bachelor graduates in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) who completed their Bachelor studies in one of the 35 countries specified by the University of Klagenfurt
Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH with financial support provided by the University of Klagenfurt
Closing date for applications: February
Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Master Studies in the Field of International Relations (for a whole degree programme)
The scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Master’s Degree Studies in the Field of International Relations are intended for descendants of forced labourers under the NS regime and nationals of countries that suffered particularly from the NS regime. Students can apply for a master’s degree programme in the field of International Relations.
Target group: graduates, postgraduates
Countries of origin: all
Duration: 9 months
Closing date for applications: currently not known
Since 2015 the OeAD has been running the ISTernship summer programme on behalf of ISTA Austria. Young bachelor’s and master’s students can spend 2-3 months in one of the research groups at ISTA Austria.
Target group: undergraduates, graduates
Countries of origin: varies depending on the call for applications
Duration: 2-3 months
Closing date for applications: February
For more information please see the ISTernship summer progam website.
You can find all funding programmes awarded by the OeAD on by using the filter option "funding organisation: OeAD" or on the OeAD website under Programmes from A to Z.
Scholarships and funding options for students and researchers from Ukraine
After 24 February 2022, various funding programmes for students and researchers from Ukraine have been implemented in Austria. However, the application deadline for many programmes has already passed.
Students from Ukraine have the possibility to receive a subsidy from the Social Fund of the Austrian Students Union (ÖH).
FEBS | Ukrainian Short-Term Fellowship
Ukrainian Short-Term Fellowships are specifically for active molecular life scientists who are resident in Ukraine at the point of application, or displaced from Ukraine as a result of war in the country. They should be a member of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society or hosted by a scientist who is a member of a FEBS Constituent Society.
Special scholarship programme Ernst Mach-Ukraine
In 2025 the special scholarship programme Ernst Mach – Ukraine is extended for the new period with the purpose to further support Ukrainian students by completing their first academic degree in Austria. The application is open only to current scholarship holders of the grant until 31.03.2025.
Expired scholarship and fellowship programmes:
Possible Erasmus+ and ESC support measures in connection with the war in Ukraine
Current Erasmus+ mobility and cooperation projects can use unused project funds for activities in connection with the war in Ukraine. The original objectives of the projects must be met in any case. The additional measures should always have an Erasmus+ or ESC connection.
IV-Mint-Scholarship for high-potentials from Ukraine
The IV scholarship is aimed at high-potentials from Ukraine who are pursuing a MINT (Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology) Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at an Austrian higher education institution (university/university of applied sciences) and/or exceptional students who are preparing for a MINT degree programme as part of a university preparation programme.
MSCA4Ukraine Fellowship Scheme
As part of the EU’s response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, a new dedicated fellowship scheme - MSCA4Ukraine - will provide support to displaced researchers from Ukraine. The fellowships are open to all domains of research and innovation. Applications must be submitted by prospective host organisations on behalf of a displaced researcher(s) from Ukraine. Host organisations can be academic or non-academic organisations in any EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.
Special funding for artists (only available in German)
This special funding is intended to provide quick and targeted support for Ukrainian artists who have fled, by providing financial means in the form of work grants as well as project funding, thus ensuring that they can work and live safely in Austria. In particular, this should also create a framework for networking and exchange with the art and cultural scene in Austria.
Non-Residential Solidarity Fellowship for Ukraine (IWM and HURI)
These fellowships are open to:
- Ukrainian scholars in the humanities and social sciences who hold a PhD or its equivalent at the time of application
- Ukrainian writers, artists, and public intellectuals whose work contributes to deeper international understanding of Ukrainian society
EURIZON Fellowship Program: “Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers”
This fellowship programme is dedicated to supporting Ukrainian researchers whose work is hampered or prevented by Russia´s war against Ukraine. The programme is addressing teams of vulnerable researchers and other relevant staff from Ukrainian research institutes (PhD students, engineers, technicians, etc.). These temporary grants, funded by the European Union, are intended to enable Ukrainian research teams to continue their scientific work, remotely, by carrying on research projects in collaboration with partners from European research institutes. The proposed research projects can have a duration of 6 or 12 months. Research teams can be composed by 2 to 5 (and more) members.
The projects can be carried out, remotely, from any place in Ukraine. Priority will be given to research projects directly showing close collaborations with European scientists and/or targeting the reconstruction and/or the support to the operations of Ukrainian RIs, and their future integration into the European Research Area (ERA). The EURIZON fellowship programme will provide support in the form of research grants only to Ukrainian applicants (not to their European partners).
For more information please visit